Blog Contributed by Stephen McClain
Georgia summers are some of the hottest around; meaning that the best plants found here during the summer are the sturdiest species of plants to be found. One of our favorite, extremely sturdy plants is the Vitex. These are deciduous shrubby plants that exude a wonderful fragrance along with light purple flowers that attract butterflies.
Vitex plants do very well in sunny spots and make for great “accent” plants. They also thrive and look great among other plants! All of these flowers do the best in well-drained soil that has a high organic material content. It is such a sturdy plant that it can even handle being planted in sandy soils as well as dry spells and even a drought!
There are a variety of types of Vitex plants. the round-leaf Vitex plant only grows about 1 to 2 feet tall and does the best in warmer climates, such as the one we live in. The chaste tree is a type of Vitex that grows 8 to 10 feet tall in its tallest variety or 3 to 10 feet tall in its smaller species. The last two types of Vitex are cold hardy, yet they still grow the best in warmer climates.
If you are interested in adding this beautiful, fragrant plant to your landscaping, all you have to do is call us today! We can help you decide the best place in your landscaping to add your new Vitex plant to. We can also help get your Vitex plant started and blooming beautifully in no time. Call Great Estates for more details about your landscaping today!

In addition to being a manager on the landscaping maintenance, installation and turf management team at Great Estates Landscaping, Stephen McClain is a sports fanatic who enjoys spending time in nature and doing outdoor activities with his family.