Keep Your Winter Commercial Landscaping Colorful

October 16, 2014 | Great Estates Landscaping

It’s often difficult to keep your commercial landscaping looking interesting in the wintertime. Everything green and colorful has faded and your yard is left looking quite dull and boring. With some planning, adding a splash of color to your yard in the winter is quite simple and doesn’t require much. Of course, it might be too late now to do an overhaul on your cold season landscape, but keep these tips in mind in the spring and summer to get your commercial landscape ready for the winter with some brilliant fall/winter foliage.

Add Color With Bark, Berries or Fruits

There are many different trees and shrubs that have berries or fruits during the fall and winter months. Crab-apples and Holly are just a few visually pleasing choices to add to your yard.

Trees aren’t something you would think of for adding interest to your winter landscape, but they can offer quite a bit of flair to your yard. When the leaves and flowers are long gone, the branches and bark of trees becomes the focal point. Trees with unusual bark such as Dogwood or Birch trees can add appeal to your winter landscape.

Break Up The Monochromatic Landscaping With Green, Gold or Blue

To add some green to your winter landscape don’t forget about Evergreen trees. Evergreens are great way to add sparks of year-round life to your yard in the winter. Not a fan of Evergreen Trees? There are more colors to add to your landscape than just green. The Gold Thread False Cypress is a beautiful golden color.  For the more adventurous, the bluish hues of the Dwarf Blue Spruce might be what you’re looking for. These trees are beautiful in the wintertime and require minimal maintenance, while adding that much needed lift to your landscape through all the seasons.

Recycle, Reuse and Re-purpose

Reuse your spring and summertime containers such as hanging-baskets, to make winter hardy containers and boxes during the winter. Holly, Rhododendron, Alberta Spruce and evergreens such as Japanese Andromeda are ideal for wintertime but they will need to be watered during dry seasons.

Many of these plants, trees and shrubs can also provide natural Christmas decorations during the holiday season. Save money by using the branches from evergreen trees, Holly’s and other interesting boughs, to create that vintage Christmas feel with splashes of natural color.

Just adding a few winter hardy trees and shrubs to your landscaping, can help keep your yard looking beautiful and interesting all through the winter. Don’t know where to start? Visit our landscape design gallery to see how Great Estates Landscaping can help you create lasting impressions designed to highlight the natural beauty of your home or business through the winter months.