Blog Contributed by David West
At Great Estates we are always keeping our eye out for different, fun flowers that we can suggest for any landscaping, whether residential or commercial. Our newest find is the Batik German Iris. This delicate, purple flower brings a beautiful pop of color to any garden and features a unique pattern that will draw attention to your garden.
These royally purple flowers are marked with somewhat irregular blotches of white that brings the two colors together in a eye-catching way. Not only does this flower showcase a fantastic bloom, it boasts fragrant flowers in the middle of the spring season that adds a very nice touch to any garden or commercial landscape.
If you are thinking of adding this plant to your landscaping, it’s important to keep a few things in mind. First, these plants tend to grow in clumps, meaning that you should have a space large enough to handle all of these blooming flowers that could potentially grow. It’s also important to keep in mind that these flowers typically reach a height of 24 inches.
The Batik German Iris can take a little work and a little research before adding them to your landscape. These plants prefer a ground that is moist, but still well drained. It is a moderately drought-tolerant plant but will need attention if a drought becomes severe. This flower is great edging plant for your landscaping and also a fantastic plant to cut and bring inside, too!

David West is not only a manager on the landscape maintenance, installation and turf management team of Great Estates Landscaping, he is also an avid outdoorsman and enjoys spending as much time with his family as possible.
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