Protect Your Plants With Fall Mulching

October 27, 2016 | Great Estates Landscaping

Now that fall is officially here, it’s time to start preparing your gardens for winter. As the frost slowly sets in, your plants are going to need some extra care to help them survive. A great way to prep your garden for the chilly weather is through mulching. Mulching, for you newer gardeners out there, is simply using organic or inorganic material as a protective top layer over your existing soil. That’s a little long-winded, but you get the idea. And, mulching has a ton of great benefits for your plants, besides protection from the cold.

Organic mulches, like grass clippings, bark chips, or even newspaper, are excellent choices to use around your vegetable garden. As they decompose, these mulches will add valuable nutrients to your soil, allowing your plants to grow and thrive even in winter. Our favorite option is good old Georgia pine straw. It looks great in both your garden and flower beds and it’s readily available!

Inorganic options, like stones or brick chips, are best around ornamental gardens or your flower beds. They’ll help maintain an even soil temperature. Why is this important? Because seeds are fussy. If the soil becomes too cold, the seed won’t germinate and flower come spring.

Both inorganic mulches and organic ones will save your garden from erosion, conserve water, and prevent weed growth. All hugely important in making sure your garden grows strong and healthy during the winter. Whichever option you choose, whether organic or non-organic, you’ll be sure that your plants will have a toasty home for the holidays!

As always, you can rely on Great Estates Landscaping to properly prune and mulch your commercial landscaping. We provide expert knowledge and service and even offer round-the-clock maintenance of your property.