Blog Contributed by Stephen McClain
There’s something magical about evergreens. Always green, even in the dead of winter. And, no one can resist their heavenly smell, which makes us think of holidays soon to come! We love adding evergreens to our winter gardens, especially for their trademark color. But evergreens offer more than great color.
A great way to “spruce” up your lawn is by adding a perimeter of evergreens. We love Brown’s Yew for this project. This evergreen thrives in full sunlight and grows in a globe-like shape, which looks gorgeous around your garden. Or, use Colorado blue spruce, which can grow to 15 feet! This evergreen has a slight blue color and looks great as a snow fence for your home.
For those who prefer potted plants to towering trees, evergreens make spectacular topiaries. Evergreens are amazing in urns because of their natural hardiness. You can keep them outside all winter long and they’ll keep your home looking fresh. And, they’re easy to trim and shape, allowing you some creative license. We love the Boxwood Hedge for our front porches, for just these reasons. But a new favorite has become the Cypress topiary. It looks like a tiny Christmas tree and is just as hardy as the Boxwood hedge.
Just like any plant, evergreens need some love and care. These trees can sometimes become feeble when conditions are both cold and dry for extended periods. And, their colors can fade, from a bright jade to more subdued hues. Some may even turn a slight bronze color, all of which is perfectly natural. But, take note if your shrub is dry and brown in color. Chances are the cause of the plant’s demise was dehydration. Keep watering your evergreens throughout the winter, so they can keep their namesake needles. And, after the first hard freeze of winter, it’s equally important to apply a fresh layer of mulch three to four inches deep around your plants too.
Consider adding this holiday favorite to your garden. You’ll be seeing green all winter long!

In addition to being a manager on the landscaping maintenance, installation and turf management team at Great Estates Landscaping, Stephen McClain is a sports fanatic who enjoys spending time in nature and doing outdoor activities with his family.